Common Errors and Solutions

Insufficient Funds for Intrinsic Transaction Cost

This error occurs when you don't have enough ETH to cover the gas fees. Ensure your ETH is on the ERC20 network. Additionally, consider reducing the amount you're attempting to purchase to account for the gas fees.

Execution Reverted: Insufficient Allowance (ERC20: insufficient allowance)

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Visit Etherscan’s Token Approval Checker.
  2. Connect your wallet using Web3. This will show a list of all the approvals you've granted on Web3 platforms.
  3. Revoke all approvals listed in the Token Approval Checker.
  4. After successfully revoking the approvals, return to to purchase your RXS tokens.

Token Payment Failed

This error occurs when ethereum network is extremly busy. Please try clearing your browser's cache, close and restart your wallet or try again after sometime.

Amount Should Be Less Than Left Hardcap

This error occurs when presale stage is about to end. Please decrease the buying amount to match the remaining Hardcap of the stage or wait for new stage to start.

Unable to See Your Tokens in Your Wallet?

After completing a purchase transaction, you should be able to see your RXS tokens in your wallet. If you're unable to see them, make sure you've added RXS as a custom token in your DeFi wallet using the following details:

Still Having Trouble?

If you're facing any other issues, feel free to reach out to us via our contact page: Contact Us.